Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday's Obituary - A. B. Martindale

My great-grandfather, Ambrose B. Martindale, died in Houston, Harris County, Texas, on 29 October 1918. According to this obituary, he had been an invalid for four years, but his death was caused by the flu.


A. B. Martindale, age 74, a native of Alabama, died at his home in Houston Harbor addition Tuesday, age 74. He had been a master Mason for 52 years, and in addition was a member of the Royal Arch chapter and of the Knights Templar. He had resided in Texas for 35 years, but had been an invalid for the past four years. He was a member of Trinity Methodist church. Funeral services will be held from the home at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. Heisig officiating. Holland lodge of Masons will have charge and burial will follow at Hollywood cemetery.”

[SOURCE: Undated clipping from unknown newspaper, Spurlock, Mamie Olive (Martindale), Scrapbook, ca 1950-1970; privately held by Cheryl Anne (Chaney) Beaver, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Lone Grove, Oklahoma. 2010. Photocopy in possession of Denise Spurlock.]

© 2012 Denise Spurlock


  1. It seems that the Masons were a really big deal in that time period. Many of my ancestors were members too.

  2. I have other ancestors who were members as well, evidenced by Masonic symbols on their tombstones. I've tried to get more information on some of them, but the lodges I have contacted have not been responsive. So it's nice when it's all in the obituary.
