Photo by Chris and Susanne Eliasen., Memorial #20994576, Hannah Gilbert Phillips, created by Nareen, et al, 17 Aug 2007. |
]© 2011 Denise Spurlock
A place where I share my genealogical travels and discoveries with family and friends.
Photo by Chris and Susanne Eliasen., Memorial #20994576, Hannah Gilbert Phillips, created by Nareen, et al, 17 Aug 2007. |
William Lee and Myrtle Arminta (Snider) Yawman, 1897. Digital image. Original held by Denise Spurlock, [ADDRESS WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY], Lomita, CA, 2011. |
J. J. Spurlock, circa 1915 Digital image; original held by Bettye Lou Gleason, [ADDRESS WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY], Bossier City, LA, 2000. |
Digital image. Original held by Denise Spurlock, [ADDRESS WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY], Lomita, CA, 2011. |
Digital image. Original held by Denise Spurlock, [ADDRESS WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY], Lomita, CA, 2011. |
Digital image. Original photograph by Brian Angers, 2011. Used with permission. |
...not knowing that factory made tools could be purchased [he] made his own hammers, pliers, tweezers, mainspring winder, etc., in his father's blacksmith shop. Then he came upon a catalog of Sears Roebuck and found that watchmakers tools were illustrated in it. Recognizing their superiority he immediately sent away an order.[1]
Sears Roebuck Catalog Fall 1900, Vol. 110; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 18 June 2011); image 42. |
Sears Roebuck Catalog Fall 1900, Vol. 110; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 18 June 2011); image 242. |
Forget-Me-Nots By Marie Nyl-Frosch (Private Collection) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Singer model 27, drawing of treadle table from instruction manual; public domain image from Wikimedia Commons |
Source: "Finds Pleasure at the Bench," Horology: The National Magazine for Advancement in Timekeeping, August 1938, 31. |
Facsimile Signature of William Blake |
Digital image. Original photograph in possession of Denise Spurlock, 2011. |
Spinning...... |
Bureau of Land Management, "General Land Office Records," online database and images ( : accessed 3 Sep 2011), entry for Absalom Eaton, Accession Nr. MO0570.565. |
Digital photograph, copyright Rana Cooper 2011. Used with permission. |
Beulah Belle (Yawman) Spurlock and Jennifer Jeannine Spurlock, October 1958. Digital image. Original in possession of Denise Spurlock, [ADDRESS WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY], 2011. |